Today I am happy for hope, that the Lord is over things, and he will guide me the way I need to go, and that he has greater plans for my happiness than I could even imagine.
I've been surprised by life, gotten a glimpse. And glimpses change you, even if they don't lead to where you think they might, even if they don't lead to where you think they could, a glimpse can show you what is possible. It can open your view to horizons more than you would have imagined.
The Lord is watching over it all. There is reason to hope. There is reason to be joyful, for this moment, and for that which will come in the future. I'm grateful right now for my glimpse, because whatever happens from it, it has changed me for the better, made me value myself more, and believe in myself.
And that's a glorious thing :)
I am glad that you are feeling hope! That is a wonderful feeling.